Season 3
- 52m 35s1. Battle for the Pride LandsScar devises a scheme to destroy the Lion Guard.
- 22m 31s2. The HarmattanThe Guard encounters a powerful dust storm!
- 22m 31s3. The Accidental AvalancheKion makes amends when he loses control of his Roar.
- 22m 31s4. Ghost of the MountainThe Lion Guard brings peace to a pack of Red Pandas.
- 22m 31s5. Marsh of MysteryMakini chases mysterious blue lights!
- 22m 31s6. Dragon IslandThe Lion Guard encounters Komodo Dragons!
- 22m 31s7. Journey of MemoriesThe Guard, lost in the desert, navigates by the stars.
- 22m 31s8. The Race to TulizaFuli gets lost and is forced to race a male cheetah.
- 22m 31s9. Mama BinturongThe Guard searches for Makini's stolen staff.
- 22m 31s10. Friends to the EndBunga worries the venom in Kion is turning him evil!
- 22m 31s11. The Tree of LifeThe Guard is attacked by the Tree of Life protectors.
- 22m 31s12. The River of PatienceKion must learn focus and patience while he heals.
- 22m 46s13. Little Old GinterbongMama Binturong pretends to be an animal in need.
- 22m 31s14. Poa the DestroyerBeshte's curiosity scares animals at the Tree of Life.
- 22m 31s15. Long Live the QueenRani worries she isn't ready to become queen.
- 22m 31s16. The Lake of ReflectionKion gets a glimpse of his past.
- 22m 31s17. Triumph of the RoarKion channels his Roar!
- 24m 17s18. Journey to the Pride LandsKion uses the Roar to help the Lion Guard return home.
- 24m 32s19. Return to the Pride LandsA rival Lion Guard is formed in the Pride Lands.
Season 2
- 22m 32s1. Babysitter BungaBunga is put in charge of several young Pride Landers.
- 22m 32s2. The Savannah SummitSimba and the Lion Guard prepare for the dry season.
- 22m 31s3. The Traveling Baboon ShowA baboon comedy troupe comes to the Pride Lands.
- 22m 32s4. Ono and the EggOno becomes the protector of a cuckoo's egg.
- 50m 57s5. The Rise of ScarUshari seeks to contact a villain from the past: Scar!
- 22m 31s6. Let Sleeping Crocs LieThe Guard awakens hibernating crocodiles.
- 22m 32s7. Swept AwayBeshte is under attack!
- 22m 31s8. Rafiki's New NeighborsA noisy bachelor herd moves in next door to Rafiki.
- 22m 32s9. Rescue in the OutlandsJasiri and two hyena cubs need help in the Outlands.
- 22m 32s10. The Ukumbusho TraditionBees threaten to ruin an important celebration.
- 22m 32s11. The Bite of KengeA Monitor Lizard temporarily paralyzes the Lion Guard!
- 23m 2s12. Timon and Pumbaa's ChristmasBunga wants to give Timon and Pumbaa a real Christmas.
- 22m 32s13. The Morning ReportZazu is taken by the hyenas!
- 22m 32s14. The Golden ZebraThe guard tries to access a new watering hole.
- 22m 31s15. The Little GuyBeshte meets a gecko that wants to be a crocodile.
- 22m 32s16. Divide and ConquerTamaa the Drongo helps Kion be in two places at once!
- 22m 31s17. The Scorpion's StingSimba is stung by a scorpion!
- 22m 32s18. The Wisdom of KongweFuli and Makini escort a tortoise to Pride Rock.
- 22m 31s19. The Kilio Valley FireScar's minions create chaos in the Kilio Valley.
- 22m 32s20. Undercover KinyongaA chameleon helps the Guard by spying on Scar.
- 22m 31s21. Cave of SecretsThe Guard searches a cave for a way to defeat Scar.
- 22m 31s22. The Zebra MastermindThurston is mistaken as the brains behind the Guard.
- 22m 31s23. The Hyena ResistanceJasiri forms a Hyena Resistance to battle Scar.
- 22m 31s24. The Underground AdventureKion, Kiara and their friends journey underground.
- 23m 1s25. Beshte and the BeastA gorilla ally seems to cause more harm than good!
- 22m 31s26. Pride Landers Unite!Kion tries to assemble an army of Pride Landers.
- 22m 31s27. The Queen's VisitDhahabu wants Fuli, Tiifu and Zuri as her guards.
- 22m 31s28. The Fall Of Mizimu GroveTimon and Pumbaa put on a show in Mizimu Grove.
- 22m 31s29. Fire from the SkyThe Lion Guard seeks help from Hadithi.
Season 1
- 44m 17sPilot: Return of the RoarKion becomes the leader of the new Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s1. Never Judge a Hyena by its SpotsKion learns that not all hyenas are bad.
- 22m 32s2. The Rise of MakuuA new crocodile sends the Pridelands into chaos.
- 22m 32s3. Bunga the WiseFloodwaters threaten the Pridelands.
- 22m 32s4. Can't Wait to be QueenSimba leaves Kiara in charge for a few days.
- 22m 32s5. Eye of the BeholderOno temporarily loses the use of one of his eyes.
- 22m 32s6. The Kupatana CelebrationKion accidentally allows jackals into the Pride Lands.
- 22m 32s7. Fuli's New FamilyThe Guard includes Fuli in their own family time.
- 22m 32s8. The Search for UtamuFuli learns the importance of working as a team.
- 22m 31s9. Follow that Hippo!A young elephant wanders into danger.
- 22m 32s10. The Call of the DrongoA deceptive drongo bird tricks the Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s11. Paintings and PredictionsBunga believes Rafiki's paintings predict the future!
- 22m 32s12. The Mbali Fields MigrationThe Guard must lead a large herd through the Outlands.
- 22m 32s13. Bunga and the KingBunga and Simba share a surprising past.
- 22m 32s14. The Imaginary OkapiThe Lion Guard thinks Beshte has an imaginary friend.
- 22m 32s15. Too Many TermitesThe Pride Lands become overrun with termites!
- 22m 32s16. The Trouble with GalagosThe Guard helps a Leopard stand up to a bully.
- 22m 32s17. Janja's New CrewJanja concocts a plan to sideline the Guard.
- 22m 31s18. Baboons!Fuli returns a baby baboon to its mother.
- 22m 32s19. Beware the ZimwiTales of a mysterious creature plague the Pride Lands.
- 22m 31s20. Lions of the OutlandsJasiri, the good hyena, asks the Guard for help.
- 22m 31s21. Never Roar AgainKion vows to never use the Roar again.
- 22m 32s22. The Lost GorillasThe Guard helps two Gorilla princes return home.
- 22m 32s23. The Trail to UduguSimba is left in charge of the Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s24. Ono's IdolOno meets his idol; the legendary eagle Hadithi.
- 22m 32s25. Beshte and the Hippo LanesBeshte steps up to help his injured Dad.
- 22m 32s26. Ono the TickbirdOno fills in for a rhino's seeing-eye bird.
the female leopard with the stripes by her eyes is kinda pretty. I wonder if she's Makucha's mate
Good idea now you can be my mate ;) I don’t know my friend did that
What the (f) no.
That What i was going to say
A backland episode and no Badili? WHY?
He was probably busy staying in his tree or they couldn't get a hold of his voice actor. At least we got Makucha to come back who is a fun character which people wanted him to come back.
Anyone else remember the book of the Brightest Star, where Mohatu found more water for the Pride lands? I was kind of hoping it would reference it. Of course I know it wasn't canon but still, when Simba said he wasn't the first king to handle a water shortage, that is the firs thing that came to mind.
Hmm Interesting
They just invade on others territory! Thats the biggest problem I have with this show . When the others fight back they just kick them out of the way and continue to invade
Exactly, you took the works out of my mouth
im like are there golden zebras then i search it up and i was like WTH ITS REAL OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Seriously why does Ono have to say "EVERYONE! EVERYONE!" like oh my gosh can't you see the poor girls just trying to hide her secret just to make her herd happy
Wow, now this episode is really unrealistic. There's no way that a zebra can defeat a fully grown leopard by just pushing him once. Sorry, but this plot barely makes any sense...
o no gamer x thinks this episode has no plot the writers must be so scared rn fr fr
Oh shut up you're probably 12 years old or something
Just like how kion beats a full grown crocodile keep in mind kebori is on part with maccu
It's like Bunga has a crush on Dahabu
19:00 @@FuliTheCheetah hmm You struggling against 1 leopard, I do wonder how you can now beat 9
Oh I forgot you only beat 4 but still
hey we can
Kion, ''I good leader tells her herd the truth, Dhahabu. Even if its day news''Doesn't tell the pride landers about Scar
Also Kion at the end of the season
Hypocrisy in a nutshell
I saw this episode.
anyone roleplayers and got facebook add me names phoenix mcphee
Does anyone else agree with me that the leopards in this series should've been colored more like Sabor from "Tarzan" instead of being super pale?
oh my gosh. "I think I like it better when they panic and run." xD
in the intro when rafiki is painting kion it sounds like they r saying 'butter rafiki na na, butter rafiki na na" XD
Anyone else notice how makutcha singled Fuli out right away? What's wrong bro? Got something against cheetahs?
I would say the same thing!
Cheetahs and leopards are natural competitors. Leopards often steal food from cheetahs, cheetahs being smaller, weaker, and not built for fighting. However, if there is a large enough coalition of cheetahs, they can chase a leopard up a tree and take the prey.
Plus, when they first met, it was Fuli who trashed Makutcha.
Oh my gosh ikr!
Is dhahabu is going to in another episode and season 3 too.
Oh beachballing ballasterbothair.
Anyone else think the golden zebra was meant to symbolise Trump? Golden-haired, celebrity, ineffectual commander trying to "lead" by making her base happy. ;)
No because Dhahabu is a good leader.
Um, no because Dhabu is suppose to be a leader who is actually good but when a tough situation was presented she hid it so her followers wouldn't be sad. And she is a good leader as we see in the episode with her keeping her zebras safe from predators and willing to go with the lion guard to get the water back. Trump on the other hand is a horrible leader and does not do anything for anyone else but himself. What he does is not to make his base happy but himself himself to be happy alone. Dhabu is a nice character and I am not going let her be compared to a horrible creature.
You have a good opinion. Trump is ****
Yea i agree dhabu is a nice charecter she was just trying to make her herd happy thats why she did that
I totally agree with you, man
I agree with ya'll to
at least Dahabu can learn from her mistakes!