Season 2Episode 4 Ono and the Egg

Ono becomes the protector of a cuckoo's egg.


mxqhan 🦃 thanksgiving • 4 years ago

isn't mpishi kinda looks like anga (please dont hate) just look they have the same body size

The Lion Guard • 4 years ago

I always thought that

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

I mean they are both eagles

Odin straniy pacan • 3 years ago

mpishi is a hawk, not an eagle, right?

Can't Think Of A Username • 3 years ago

My bad

ecocat annabelle • 7 years ago

I feel bad for Mpishi. if the lion guard wants to protect the circle of life then they need enough predators to balance the prey population!

Miguel • 7 years ago

I think it is more of trying to balance the predator/prey population already in the pride lands. Since usually when they boot out a predator, it is due to they not belonging in the pride lands. So bringing in predators from the outside world could cause an unbalance in the circle of life already established in the pride lands. So technically, I do believe they are still doing their jobs right.

Vanilla • 6 years ago

No why Did they send janja and jakals in outlands they did nothing just hunt so they are just banning animals for nothing so i think they are more like evil

Miguel • 6 years ago

I don't think that falls to the Lion Guard. Pretty sure it is Simba who decides what animals can and cannot be in the pridelands. And we do know that the hyenas were involved with Scar a lot, so that's probably why they got banned. But since the Lion Guard does serve Simba and the Pride Lands, it'd make sense for any animals that got banned by Simba to be booted out. Plain and simple there. Like when a person gets kicked out of a place and security keep an eye out to ensure they do not get back in.

ecocat annabelle • 6 years ago

But does Simba know about Jasiri? Not all the hyenas were involved. And the jackals are just trying to get food, as well as Mpishi.

Miguel • 6 years ago

I don't think the specifics matter honestly. Simba associates Hyenas with enemies who helped Scar take over the pridelands, and as such banned them in their entirety. Sure there are good Hyenas, but as far as Simba is concerned, they're still not welcome in the Pridelands. Same with the wolves of the Outlands and as for the jackals/mpishi, I believe that falls back to how when both parties first arrived they were disturbing the balance of the circle of life in the pridelands. And since they were a problem to the balance, the Lion Guard was right in booting both parties out. Later Simba banned the jackals as well when he saw how troublesome they were, so it all comes back full circle. It is a system that works I believe.

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

The specifics are simple. A lot of hyenas don't follow the Circle of Life, they hunt whatever and whenever they want. We saw what that does to an ecosystem in the Lion King. Simba is protecting the Circle of Life.

Many good hyenas have their own territory, like Jasiri.

Dralion97 • 6 years ago

The thing we also need to remember is that kids are the target audience. Yes, it is very much maintaining the balance but the show also needs the heroes to win

Miguel • 6 years ago

Sure, but just saying the heroes always have to win without going further in-depth is boring! I like looking into the specifics of things and why they are the way they are! And from what i've pointed out above, whether they do it intentionally or not, the system they have does work. Which is the part I enjoy - finding the details behind the actions that are taken once questioned.

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

She has her own territory. That's why she initially helped Kion in Never Judge a Hyena By Its Spots, she wanted a foreign predator out of her territory.

KyubbiGirl29 • 5 years ago

The Hyenas and the Jackals were kicked out because they don’t respect the circle of life. If they had their way they would make it so there’s nothing left in the pridelands due to overhunting.

Baliyo • 4 years ago

they tried taking out a whole herd, how is that not evil

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

Because it's not their territory. You can't have an infinite number of predators in one location. Also, they're kicked out for not following the Circle of Life. They hunt whatever they want, whenever they want, instead of killing just what they need to survive.

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

You can't just hunt in someone else's territory. That's the point of a territory.

Simba Jones • 3 years ago

Yeah. I've attacked so many animals who have tried to hunt in my territory!

Why is it so hard to just go somewhere else?

Glad to see other people still active on this

The Lion Guard • 1 year ago

omg loll hows it been?

very good, happy to be back

person123 • 1 year ago

i love binge watching lion guard series.

The Lion Guard • 4 years ago

Your beloved Ona is coming back soon in The Mini Guard

mxqhan 🦃 thanksgiving • 4 years ago


Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago


Sig. • 4 years ago


Ruth Navarathna • 6 years ago

NOW that was nice

Vanilla • 6 years ago

Why lion guard dont let mpishi eat kion and fuli hunt themselfs and they dont let others hunt like jakals or hyenas or vulture just curiose why this is a nonesensw

mxqhan 🦃 thanksgiving • 4 years ago

Its not a nonsense, hunting is only for people who live in their territory.

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

You can't just hunt in someone else's territory. That's the point of a territory.

Buck Bufalo • 5 years ago

your right

lurker42 • 6 years ago

scumbag lionguard, pretend to uphold the circle of life, prevent circle of life from ACTUALLY happening...

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

No they don't. They're doing precisely that by stopping others using someone else's territory.

Arvie Tevin • 6 years ago

ikr its weird

Ben Tarr • 6 years ago

You can't just hunt in someone else's territory. That's the point of a territory

lol why • 1 year ago

Hah, I love binge watching the lion guard series. its still gold after watching it after 2 years.

Arul Dsouza • 4 years ago

Me too

Carissa Belford • 4 years ago

I remember from the movie lion king or somewhere else that they said “ You are only allowed to have one meat.” The animals are pretty big in Pridelands so its seem reasonable.

laura noble • 5 years ago

the egg isn't a cuckoo its a hammercopp

Buck Bufalo • 5 years ago

the last episode is called "fire from the sky"

9puppys • 6 years ago

Ona is adorable ( o 3 o )

The Lion Guard • 4 years ago

yup soon u will see her often

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Ono is a he

The Lion Guard • 4 years ago

im talking about Ona

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Oh, sorry I missed read it

The Lion Guard • 4 years ago

it is ok

Cytix Artz And Games • 7 years ago

I love the lion guard episodes
This one is really amazing i hope there might be season 3 too
Soon i hope it will come :3

Joshua Crawford • 5 years ago

august 3rd

Season 3

Season 2

Season 1

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