Season 1Episode 23 The Trail to Udugu

Simba is left in charge of the Lion Guard.


ecocat annabelle • 7 years ago

Simba. Leading the Lion Guard. This is going to be... interesting.

VAT • 4 years ago

Simba says"they do seem evenly matched"
Kiara: just braggs she is queen
Kion: protects the pridelands with his life
Has a roar which can destroy a pride
Saves kiara who did not even thank HIM

I MEAN HOW ARE THEY eVEnlY mAtChEd o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0 o_0

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

That was before that but still
He beats Janja and saves the pridelands in the returun of the roar
Kiara gets attacked by JANJA
She can't get off an island
She falls into Janja's trap after Janja's stampede nearly killed her and KIon tells her not to
YEah they are not quite evenly matched

wangwang • 5 years ago

kion is great

Simba Jones • 3 years ago

Simba Bunny Simmy Bunny 🐰

Bunga • 3 years ago


Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

The way Simba acts in this episodes makes me hate him more

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

Really? You hate me????

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Yeah Kinda

Dave Doris • 4 years ago


Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Well maybe coz he can't sometimes be so annoying and stuborn and a bad ruler who abuses his powers

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

Well okay then.

Violet • 11 months ago

gosh this is going crazy

Gauldron • 4 years ago

"Ok boomer" the episode

Simba • 6 years ago


Elizabeth • 4 years ago

Kiara is so fricking bratty af, Even simba is as rude as her.

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

Rude? Am I? I thought I was nice...

Koco Wong • 4 years ago

i rewatched this episode after i totally forgot it and found out i SOMETIMES udugu.

Ruth Navarathne • 4 years ago

Fuli : -sighs calmly- i am not afraid he's just like Kion-
only- bigger!

yep he's only bigger to Kion that's all the differences-





Kayden • 5 years ago

I don't Udugu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Simba Jones • 5 years ago

10:04 Oh my goodness I'm filthy!!!!

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Yup, and its all your fault

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

Well if it wasn't for me that egg would've been gone ya know. No thanks to the guard.

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Well if it wasn't for you then the eggs would be safe and you'd be dry

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

Well at least I actually tried to save the eggs.

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Well you didn't really think it through. A famous person once said me 'Think Before You Walk.'

Simba Jones • 4 years ago


WellH1There • 5 years ago

I have to wonder how/if Mufasa and Scar found Udugu...

HiHowAreYa • 5 years ago

Mufasa and Scar are not really brothers.

Kion26 • 5 years ago

Well... Here is some proof

Simba Jones • 5 years ago

They aren't? Fewf! That means I'm not actually related to a murderer.

Ryan • 5 years ago

Yes they are.

TLK2OI9 • 5 years ago

It was confirmed short after the release of the TLK Remake that they accually are not, you should google search it.

verdad1963 • 5 years ago

we have to separate "LK universe" from Real life universe; in real life the king lion tends to kill or exile any possible rivals, even his own children, and the lion pride will be one lion with many lionesses until a lion challenges him and beats him................................... in the LKU, specially using the lion guard stories, we have that at least in the prideland ( do not know if it will be similar in other lion lands ) until Kion came, that we had a king (sometimes son of former king, sometimes Son-in-law or sometimes "appointed" like Scar did with Kovu ) and a heir ( sometimes future King, sometimes future Queen ) and than their male "sibling" ( sibling by blood or "adopted" ) would be leader of the lion guard and have 4 other MALE lions as the guard, so in paper in the prideland pride, there was always at least 5 male lions ( the whole lion guard helping the heir that might be male or female ), Kion's guard was the first one to have not only other animals as guard members, but Fuli was first female ever, Anga being 2nd one later on, and Vitani's guard being the first one made of all lionesses and first female leader.

we have to take for certain by this episode that Sarabi's only child was Simba as Simba said he never had a sister or brother but that does not guarantee that Mufasa had another child through another lioness and thus Simba might have a half-brother or half-sister, and I guess that after Scar destroyed his lion guard ( 4 male lions with one of them maybe being Nalas's father who is Kion's grandfather ), the pride of Mufasa ended up with only 3 male lions ( Mufasa, Scar and Simba ) in the original movie................... all of this caused by Disney being hesitant to introduce the real life nature of wild life lions, where incest is a normal occurrence ( siblings and even parent and child mating )

also there is a theory that the "strange lion" that made Scar have his scar and was killed by Scar might be the father or grandfather of Kovu as he looks similar to Kovu

Ryan • 5 years ago

I don't care what anyone says. They're brothers! Will always be!

KyubbiGirl29 • 5 years ago

How does Simba know about Udugu if he didn’t have a sibling?

Simba Jones • 5 years ago

Because I know everything.

Nala • 4 years ago

I mean you don't know everything, you didn't know Out-Landers and Pride-Landers were the same until our own daughter told us

Simba Jones • 4 years ago

That was a test. Of course I knew we were the same, I was just pretending.

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Hmm yes yes. That must be it

heelameerul 24 • 4 years ago

because mufasa told him?

WellH1There • 5 years ago

Probably a tradition

Kayden • 5 years ago

i don't get it and i'm not gonna hold on what i did learn then i will not always have udugu at all

Kayden • 5 years ago

and that's a dupiest suprise ever can't seeved

Guest • 5 years ago
Kayden • 5 years ago

it's not funny

Ryan Perez • 6 years ago

On 5:15, Bunga looks like Albert Einstein.

Arvie Tevin • 6 years ago

But who is Nala brother or sister that why I made my Oc to be her brother Lol this what he's look like he has a magic so he always look a kid cause he's special memories is still there

TLK lore • 4 years ago

Her real brother is mheetu, who was going to be in the original lion king but he got scrapped.

Can't Think Of A Username • 4 years ago

Thats whats I've heard ^

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