Season 3
- 52m 35s1. Battle for the Pride LandsScar devises a scheme to destroy the Lion Guard.
- 22m 31s2. The HarmattanThe Guard encounters a powerful dust storm!
- 22m 31s3. The Accidental AvalancheKion makes amends when he loses control of his Roar.
- 22m 31s4. Ghost of the MountainThe Lion Guard brings peace to a pack of Red Pandas.
- 22m 31s5. Marsh of MysteryMakini chases mysterious blue lights!
- 22m 31s6. Dragon IslandThe Lion Guard encounters Komodo Dragons!
- 22m 31s7. Journey of MemoriesThe Guard, lost in the desert, navigates by the stars.
- 22m 31s8. The Race to TulizaFuli gets lost and is forced to race a male cheetah.
- 22m 31s9. Mama BinturongThe Guard searches for Makini's stolen staff.
- 22m 31s10. Friends to the EndBunga worries the venom in Kion is turning him evil!
- 22m 31s11. The Tree of LifeThe Guard is attacked by the Tree of Life protectors.
- 22m 31s12. The River of PatienceKion must learn focus and patience while he heals.
- 22m 46s13. Little Old GinterbongMama Binturong pretends to be an animal in need.
- 22m 31s14. Poa the DestroyerBeshte's curiosity scares animals at the Tree of Life.
- 22m 31s15. Long Live the QueenRani worries she isn't ready to become queen.
- 22m 31s16. The Lake of ReflectionKion gets a glimpse of his past.
- 22m 31s17. Triumph of the RoarKion channels his Roar!
- 24m 17s18. Journey to the Pride LandsKion uses the Roar to help the Lion Guard return home.
- 24m 32s19. Return to the Pride LandsA rival Lion Guard is formed in the Pride Lands.
Season 2
- 22m 32s1. Babysitter BungaBunga is put in charge of several young Pride Landers.
- 22m 32s2. The Savannah SummitSimba and the Lion Guard prepare for the dry season.
- 22m 31s3. The Traveling Baboon ShowA baboon comedy troupe comes to the Pride Lands.
- 22m 32s4. Ono and the EggOno becomes the protector of a cuckoo's egg.
- 50m 57s5. The Rise of ScarUshari seeks to contact a villain from the past: Scar!
- 22m 31s6. Let Sleeping Crocs LieThe Guard awakens hibernating crocodiles.
- 22m 32s7. Swept AwayBeshte is under attack!
- 22m 31s8. Rafiki's New NeighborsA noisy bachelor herd moves in next door to Rafiki.
- 22m 32s9. Rescue in the OutlandsJasiri and two hyena cubs need help in the Outlands.
- 22m 32s10. The Ukumbusho TraditionBees threaten to ruin an important celebration.
- 22m 32s11. The Bite of KengeA Monitor Lizard temporarily paralyzes the Lion Guard!
- 23m 2s12. Timon and Pumbaa's ChristmasBunga wants to give Timon and Pumbaa a real Christmas.
- 22m 32s13. The Morning ReportZazu is taken by the hyenas!
- 22m 32s14. The Golden ZebraThe guard tries to access a new watering hole.
- 22m 31s15. The Little GuyBeshte meets a gecko that wants to be a crocodile.
- 22m 32s16. Divide and ConquerTamaa the Drongo helps Kion be in two places at once!
- 22m 31s17. The Scorpion's StingSimba is stung by a scorpion!
- 22m 32s18. The Wisdom of KongweFuli and Makini escort a tortoise to Pride Rock.
- 22m 31s19. The Kilio Valley FireScar's minions create chaos in the Kilio Valley.
- 22m 32s20. Undercover KinyongaA chameleon helps the Guard by spying on Scar.
- 22m 31s21. Cave of SecretsThe Guard searches a cave for a way to defeat Scar.
- 22m 31s22. The Zebra MastermindThurston is mistaken as the brains behind the Guard.
- 22m 31s23. The Hyena ResistanceJasiri forms a Hyena Resistance to battle Scar.
- 22m 31s24. The Underground AdventureKion, Kiara and their friends journey underground.
- 23m 1s25. Beshte and the BeastA gorilla ally seems to cause more harm than good!
- 22m 31s26. Pride Landers Unite!Kion tries to assemble an army of Pride Landers.
- 22m 31s27. The Queen's VisitDhahabu wants Fuli, Tiifu and Zuri as her guards.
- 22m 31s28. The Fall Of Mizimu GroveTimon and Pumbaa put on a show in Mizimu Grove.
- 22m 31s29. Fire from the SkyThe Lion Guard seeks help from Hadithi.
Season 1
- 44m 17sPilot: Return of the RoarKion becomes the leader of the new Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s1. Never Judge a Hyena by its SpotsKion learns that not all hyenas are bad.
- 22m 32s2. The Rise of MakuuA new crocodile sends the Pridelands into chaos.
- 22m 32s3. Bunga the WiseFloodwaters threaten the Pridelands.
- 22m 32s4. Can't Wait to be QueenSimba leaves Kiara in charge for a few days.
- 22m 32s5. Eye of the BeholderOno temporarily loses the use of one of his eyes.
- 22m 32s6. The Kupatana CelebrationKion accidentally allows jackals into the Pride Lands.
- 22m 32s7. Fuli's New FamilyThe Guard includes Fuli in their own family time.
- 22m 32s8. The Search for UtamuFuli learns the importance of working as a team.
- 22m 31s9. Follow that Hippo!A young elephant wanders into danger.
- 22m 32s10. The Call of the DrongoA deceptive drongo bird tricks the Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s11. Paintings and PredictionsBunga believes Rafiki's paintings predict the future!
- 22m 32s12. The Mbali Fields MigrationThe Guard must lead a large herd through the Outlands.
- 22m 32s13. Bunga and the KingBunga and Simba share a surprising past.
- 22m 32s14. The Imaginary OkapiThe Lion Guard thinks Beshte has an imaginary friend.
- 22m 32s15. Too Many TermitesThe Pride Lands become overrun with termites!
- 22m 32s16. The Trouble with GalagosThe Guard helps a Leopard stand up to a bully.
- 22m 32s17. Janja's New CrewJanja concocts a plan to sideline the Guard.
- 22m 31s18. Baboons!Fuli returns a baby baboon to its mother.
- 22m 32s19. Beware the ZimwiTales of a mysterious creature plague the Pride Lands.
- 22m 31s20. Lions of the OutlandsJasiri, the good hyena, asks the Guard for help.
- 22m 31s21. Never Roar AgainKion vows to never use the Roar again.
- 22m 32s22. The Lost GorillasThe Guard helps two Gorilla princes return home.
- 22m 32s23. The Trail to UduguSimba is left in charge of the Lion Guard.
- 22m 32s24. Ono's IdolOno meets his idol; the legendary eagle Hadithi.
- 22m 32s25. Beshte and the Hippo LanesBeshte steps up to help his injured Dad.
- 22m 32s26. Ono the TickbirdOno fills in for a rhino's seeing-eye bird.
I think people have figured out the riddle of what Ford Riley
himself wrote to me, I can confirm his words here: Fuli considered Kaion
and the rest of the lion guard as her family but later she realized
that she felt something more for Kion but she didn't tell him about her
feelings in his so he stands up so he translates these feelings into
taking care of Kaion and comforts him like his brother because he has
not confessed his feelings yet, that's why Ford Rilay wrote that Kion
and Fuli are not a couple because Fuli in his current state confesses
his feelings through protection and comforting him in difficult moments
and if Kaion gets better, he will likewise confess his true feelings to
him in words, so it makes sense why Ford Rilay wrote that they are not a
couple because now Fuli is showing him feelings in a different way
That makes sense and wait ford Riley wrote that himself to you?? so that’s means even if Rani appears that’ll not change the relationship between Kion and Fuli
Ford Riley said that they won't be a couple for now. Us therefore figuring out the riddle. But if you look at Season 1 and Season 2, there were hints and even moments that showed that Kion and Fuli are destined to be together.
Yeah for now they’re not a couple they’re still in a relationship brother sister but it’s doesnt change the feelings of Fuli for Kion ...she like him and I’m sure at 90% she’ll confess to him at the last episode . Only if Rani don’t ruin everything
Well, you saw that it was not like that, Kion married Rani and became king of the tree of life
They're not married
How are you supposed to be king and queen and not be together theyre mates for life
If there is no marriage there won't be a coronation
Not a thing that Kion will be with Fuli, I think that will be Azaad because he and Fuli both cheetahs . Kion will be with Tiifu I guess
The creator said himself he can’t give any spoiler about Kion and Fuli and suddenly a post of ford Riley about them saying they’re just friends disappeared suddenly so it was erased . Ford Riley said they’re like brother and sister’s true but behind that Fuli have feelings for Kion and at a moment she’ll confess to him
As all the tips in the series, the lion guard lead to the answer that Kion and Fuli are in love with each other but only because of their scars. Kion Fuli has not confessed his feelings through words yet, only through deeds it is enough to wait for Kion to recover
Yeah that’s true . Did ford Riley tell you when in the episodes Fuli will confess her love for kion ?or he didn’t wanna tell ya
Almost seven days nothing added to the instagram or reply to comments but one is strange because for several days suddenly more and more people are watching his instagram 478 people have been watching him about 5 days ago now he has 515 every day suddenly watching him when he is not active on instagram
Yeah it’s true that’s suspicious
Yeah but the post he erased was saying Kion and Fuli are just friends but we all know when ford Riley said that he try to said Fuli considers the lion guard and Kion like her family but she feel something for Kion but she’s showing her feelings to him in a brother sister relationship.
So if Disney asked ford Riley to erase this post ...that’s means they’re agree with this ship or they’re not
That was really a big mistake cause he wanted to hide that Kion and Fuli have feelings for each other but he revealed to soon Fuli considers him like a brother but we all know she have feelings for him so it’s sure even the people who didn’t know about now they know . She considers the lion guard like her family but she hav feelings for him . About the other post ...I didn’t see all did he talk about the next episodes ?
I can't display comments older than 6 days and you can because I wanted to check if there is news about Kion and Fuli but it does not display it to me in the comments, if all messages older than 6 days were deleted as you can check it ok
I don’t think for now we’ll have news about them cause it’s sure Disney asked ford Riley to stop saying interesting things about the history . We have to wait I guess...the next episodes will be there at the end of August or in September
Oh that’s means Disney really said to him to stop spoiling everyone
The post where Riley said that they were like brother and sister has disappeared as well.
Idk what he was trying to do but he can’t hide the truth , for now they’re not in couple but there’s a lot of hints so it’s possible
I wonder about the last proof that we have to wait until they reach the tree of life, and Kion will recover, if Fuli is jealous that Rani filters Kion, it will turn out that we were right from the beginning, because an ordinary friend or sister will not so far the end of the topic on Kion x Fuli until the last episodes come out
We already have all the proof who’s saying Fuli likes Kion . For now she waits the good moment for telling him maybe in a episode they’ll be just together alone ...idk when they’re saving someone or something else and at this moment she’ll start to confess but not directly
You saw how they like each other, you can see Kion, how he looked at her when they were alone
And sometimes too in the season 3 when everyone is looking something there’s only kion and Fuli who’s looking at each other
Like this?
They were once alone without anybody on a lion's rock and talked and quite interesting looks were during the conversation and they were only alone together for a short time in episode 11 of season 1
There’s a lot of proofs but if they’re alone again in the season 3 I’m sure that’ll not be in a short time cause the season 3 is showing her feelings . In the end of battle for the pridelands when shes looking away whe she smiles at her . In the episode 4 I think it’s the episode there’s too much hints , especially at the end when Kion said at Fuli «I’ll be okay cause I know how bad it gets (his pain ) you’re on my side and Fuli replied « always » that’s relly not a friendship its flirting in my opinion
Interesting according to if the girl likes the boy then look at these tips what I wrote and compare them with Fuli the same way
If a girl:
He looks at you all the time
He maintains eye contact with you for a few seconds (4-5 seconds) and then lowers his eyesight
He adds a smile to his look
... it all indicates that you just lik
True I agree
I mean why Fuli was so surprised that Kion ran to Jasiri as soon as he saw her
Maybe she didn’t wanted him to go see her
For friends it looks like they are too close to each other, this is how Simba and Nala used to play when they were young
It's already been confirmed that Jasiri and Janja are going to bee together. Plus this screenshot is from an older season.
thank you finally someone with some sense in this chat.
Yep exactly thankfully they’re just friends . Kion and Fuli too they did this in the episode with the okapi
in addition, before the last episode, Kion looks at fuli again in this way
No he’s looking at makini in the same moment of Fuli
I wonder why Fuli is aggressively behaving for the first time when he meets Jasiri, this is not Kion protection, but he may be , but I think that Fuli was jealous
OK but why tho
It's everyone's reaction at first to seeing a hyena. Especially a friendly one. In later episodes, they all warmed up to Jasiri and her clan.
Mama Binturong just absolutely hating Bunga, and the whole reason for her attacking everyone in future episodes was literally because she just hates him. Not for food or anything, Bunga just farted and she was like REVENGE TIME!!!!! Also, how in the world do eat nothing but a flower? Like, I know it is her favorite food, but she could have at least balanced her diet so she wouldn’t have to scare everyone.
but how can a lion and a cheetah mate
it will be very funny he will be with rani
Why didn't Bunga just ask Mama if he could ONLY have the staff back, not the tuliza inside?
Look I understand that she stole and they needed to get it back, but this is a serious situation.
I'd of just asked for the staff, and if that didn't work, THEN I fight her.
lol makes sense though doesnt kion need tuliza to say calm? not that i doubt or disagree but kion might have turned evil if he didnt get the tuliza. Also, they need it to get interesting in the show. plus, we all know bunga luvs fighting, lol
They needed the staff to find the tree of life
because Kion needed the Tuliza so he would not get out of control
Yeah but I'm sure they could find Tuliza somewhere else. Without the staff they can't find the Tree. Which would you rather do? Only get the staff back and find Tuliza somewhere else, OR, lose the staff to Mama and have no way to find the Moja Kwa Moja Stones?
maybe u r right but it might take time
20:34 You're gonna give that to Kion? You're trying to POISON HIM???
All the more reason for me to ha-dislike, you!
You're not my brother, and you never will be!!!
Bunga was trying to save Kion by getting the Tuliza back!!
Kion was fine. He didn't need Tuliza right then. I'm sure they could've found some not too far ahead. Tuliza already tastes gross, now it's gonna be even worse! Ew
Besides this comment is old and I was slightly evil when I made it.
Rani is rude, why does kion even like her? Fuli and Kion should be together.
how is Rani mean?
Rude, not mean.
It really seems like she only started liking him when she realized that he made her job easier.
Just my opinion though XD
Because Kion has fallen in love with Rani and does not see true personality Rani
She just wants Kion for the roar
no, look at this:
I have Tuliza in my house
What kind of animal is mama
A binturong?
Spoiler Kion And Fuli are not in love,fuli is more like a sister to kion
I Really Want A Season 4 i love this show! im even Rewatching the entire show
what u sayin?
I frickin thought that Mama Binturong would be like a wise character that helps Kion on his way and gives him valuable advice and stuff like that...
Okay, Bunga is pissing me off bcause he keeps saying tuliza!
I love how most people commenting on shows like these comment all sorts of things with very little to no research to back it up. Yes, Fuli and Kion are a little more than regular friends, but not anything past that either. We all know who Kion is going to end up mating with (and if not, watch until the end), and for the longest time I legitimately thought they would get shipped officially at some point, but from the moment I saw the second half of this season I already knew Fuli x Kion wasn't going to happen.
Damn, watching through the whole show, came so far, and now the episode is offline
It is time for me to Click and watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
that happened to me once. when it happened, the first episode i watched was surprisingly this one!
Its me...Lol
Why is that a classic meme in TLK world Lol?
Less then an hour OMG yes I am so very hyped and I am suprised I stayed up this late! I been up pass 12:00 OMG it's because I'm a really big Lion king fan for anything Lion king related it is still a big part of my childhood. I'm 18 out of high school I'm a graduate and I do not mind it at all!

1 more hour :DD or 30 min I cant tell but still cant wait :D
2 more hours OMG Yes I am so very hyped I got part Lion in me I consider myself as Troy Lion he is who I'm going to pretend to me from now on my character is a close friend to The Lion Guard so as There friend I really hope that Kion can't get healing from the tree of life poor Kion does not want to be anything like Scar and I don't blame him because as a good Lion I'm nothing like him I believe in The Lion Guard they can help by buddy Kion.

Yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! I'll always be a very big fan of anything Lion King fan and I wish I could accually be my character that I made up. Disney is my childhood and so is The Lion King my most favorite part of my's been since 2001 - 2019 anything related to Lion King I seen everything for The Lion King. I saw the broadway and it was so very awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
10 new episodes coming to this website I'm Ready.
New episodes are coming in 7 hours!!!!!!!!
OK so iv'e learned that the lion guard returns to the pridelands and there's trouble Vitani has formed her own lion guard in there presence? i'm wondering if we will see a grown up Kovu and Kiara to make it align with the lion king 2
Yes. Look at the episode Synopsis for the episode Return To The Pridelands.
Lol in IB chemistry on Thursday, no one knew what the fire starter thing was, so the teacher said that we were having a test, and that was on it and it was one fifth of our quarter grade
Oof! That ain't great.
I don’t want this show to end it’s so good and I will miss every one😭
Does anyone know where to find and download TLG Season3's soundtrack?
Will the last 10 episodes of the series be on here Monday?
Yes, same as on DisneyNow.